
lim jia sheng,

.Design Research & Methodology

project[4]A: Reflective Report


  • Write a reflective report that summarizes what was achieved throughout 3 previous assignments.


Imma be honest, nothing much happened. I just sat staring at Google Docs for a few hours & the result appeared.


  • 25/11/2021
    • I should use the “Insert > Object” feature in MS Word to embed my documents.
    • A compilation document often complements the reflective report.


project[4]B: Presentation


  • Create a slide deck to summarize our findings.
  • Record a 5-minute video of us presenting said deck.


I used WeTransfer's Paste to create a base deck, which I then fixed in Illustrator (curse its PDF export). Recording was done separately outside of Zoom, just so it sounded & looked a bit better.



I guess this is the place to digest what happened throughout the semester. The experience was generally positive, & I felt like a learnt a lot. I've even noticed me quoting my findings in general conversation, which feels extremely weird. Reading was never my thing so especially project[2] initially left me with dread. However, after some time it got kind of natural, which was really cool & I could even see my speed of parsing tick up slightly.

For what I've learnt, the main things were all obviously from the research itself — coercion vs persuasion, the societal norm of coercive corporations, Facebook's surprising betterment in recent years, etc. The other one tidbit that was arguably even more signification than that was just me figuring out how to even find things to read about, eg. setting up Google Scholar, & using Taylor's own library system. This opens the doors & acts as a genesis for more of my own future research, which is super neat.

At the end of the day, everyone knows this module is important & is probably better experienced at least once in their education pathway. However, it doesn't come without its frustrations & annoyance. Even though it has some dread & boredom inducing aspects, its nett result still forces it to be a great learn, with all taken away to stay in the mind for time to come.
